We had a very good trip to London, via Cambridge. We stopped in Cambridge and had a voluntary guide take us on a walking tour of Cambridge - a beautiful old university town. We saw the beautiful college buildings and bridges crossing the river.

We were then lucky to get some tickets for a musical in London. We went to see "We Will Rock You" on Thursday evening. It was a very energetic show and the students enjoyed it very much.
(For an example of one song, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRtI2PvVGj0)

On Friday we took a morning tour around the main sightseeing spots of London. It was a great experience. I think the students were impressed with the tour, and we finished with a trip on the London Eye. (For an idea of what the London Eye trip was like see
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVg2XVeUIFM&NR=1 ).
On Friday afternoon and Saturday the students traveled around London using the underground, buses, and taxis (they did very well and coped with traveling in small groups). All groups had planned their own trips of the places they wanted to visit. I think they had a very educational experience and had to use their English ability.
Finally on Sunday morning we took the students to the British Museum where they could see amazing exhibitions which include The Rosetta Stone (ロゼッタ・ストーン、Wikipedia), The Elgin Marbles (エルギン・マーブル、Wikipedia), and Egyptian mummies. It is a wonderful museum.
We arrived back in Durham safely on Sunday evening, and the students continued their classes on Monday morning. Everyone is doing fine. (John Herbert)
ロンドンでは運良く「We Will Rock You」というミュージカルのチケットが手に入り、木曜の夜にみんなで観に行きました。とてもエネルギッシュなショーに学生たちは大喜びでした。(そのうちの1曲を紹介します(Youtube))
※訳注:「We Will Rock You」はタイトルからも分かるようにQueenの楽曲が全編にちりばめられたSFミュージカル。ロンドンの劇場街ウェストエンドでロングランされているそうです。
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