研修先のダラム大学 (Durham University)は英国北部のダラム市にある名門大学です。
This is the first Durham report at the end of the first week. We had a good (but long) trip to the UK. We arrived late at night and the students met their host families.

On the first day we had a tea party (students, staff, host families) with traditional English food such as scones with cream & jam. The students have had classes all week and have got used to coming to the Durham Language Centre by bus.
The classroom is in a fantastic place next to Durham Cathedral (世界遺産) and Durham Castle.
The students seem to have settled in well, and there have been no big problems. They are now all recovered from jetlag. One or two students have said they have felt a little homesick (but are okay) and one student has said English food あわない (but she is fine too).
We took a trip to the 植物公園 here in Durham and had a great time. Tomorrow we go to Edinburgh, and then next week we have classes, and head to London (via Cambridge). All doing well so far. よろしくお願いします。 John Herbert

初日はダラム大学の教職員、ホストファミリーや学生とイギリスの伝統的な食べ物のクリームやジャムを付けたスコーンなど食べながらのパーティがありました。今週はずっと授業があったので、学生たちも語学センターへのバス通学に慣れたようです。授業がある場所は世界遺産のDurham Cathedralとダラム城のすぐ近くという素晴らしいロケーションです。